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Visual Basic Form  |  1993-03-04  |  7KB  |  212 lines

  1. frmNotePad
  2. Untitled
  3. Form1.
  4. Text1
  5. mnuFile
  6. &File
  7. mnuFNew
  8. mnuFOpen
  9. &Open...
  10.     mnuFClose
  11. &Close
  12. mnuFSave
  13. &Save
  14. mnuFSaveAs
  15. Save &As...
  16. mnuSep1
  17. PrintCom
  18. &Print
  19. mnuSep2
  20. mnuFExit
  21. E&xit
  22. mnuEdit
  23. &Edit
  24. mnuECut
  25. mnuECopy
  26. &Copy
  27.     mnuEPaste
  28. &Paste
  29. mnuEDelete
  30. De&lete
  31. mnuESep1
  32. mnuESelectAll
  33. Select &All
  34. mnuETime
  35. Time/&Date
  36.     mnuSearch
  37. &Search
  38. mnuSFind
  39. &Find
  40. mnuSFindNext
  41. Find &Next
  42. mnuOptions
  43. &Options
  44. mnuOToolbar
  45. &Toolbar
  46. mnuFont
  47. &Font
  48. mnuFontName
  49. FontName
  50. BlockCom
  51. &Block
  52. PrintBlockCom
  53. &Print
  54. LowCaseCom
  55. &LowerCase
  56.     UpCaseCom
  57. &UpperCase
  58.     mnuWindow
  59. &Window
  60. mnuWCascade
  61. &Cascade
  62. mnuWTile
  63. &Tile
  64. mnuWArrange
  65. &Arrange Icons
  66. @    Form_Load;
  67. mnuFontNameR
  68. Caption
  69. screen
  70. Fonts
  71.     FontCount
  72. Form_QueryUnload7
  73. Cancel
  74. UnloadMode
  75. Filename/
  76. Responseg
  77. FState
  78. Dirty
  79. frmMDI
  80. mnuFSaveAs_ClickH
  81. FileForm(
  82. txtFileName
  83. Form_Resize
  84. windowstate
  85. ScaleHeight
  86. Text1
  87. Visible
  88. Height
  89. Width[
  90. ScaleWidth
  91. Form_Unload
  92. Deleted
  93. AnyPadsLeft
  94. imgCutButton
  95. imgCopyButton
  96. imgPasteButtonS
  97. LowCaseCom_Click
  98. ActiveForm~
  99. ActiveControle
  100. SelTextu
  101. mnuECopy_Click
  102. EditCopyProc
  103. mnuECut_Click
  104. EditCutProc
  105. mnuEDelete_Click
  106. mnuEPaste_Click
  107. EditPasteProc
  108. mnuESelectAll_Clickl
  109. SelStart
  110.     SelLength%
  111. mnuETime_Click
  112. TimeStr
  113. DateStr8
  114. mnuFClose_ClickJ
  115. mnuFExit_Clickf
  116. mnuFNew_Click
  117. FileNew
  118. mnuFontName_Click
  119. Index
  120. FontName
  121. mnuFOpen_Click
  122.     FOpenProc
  123. mnuFSave_Click
  124. GetFilename
  125. SaveFileAs
  126. SaveFileName*
  127. mnuOptions_Click
  128. mnuOToolbar
  129. Checked
  130. picToolbarU
  131. mnuOToolbar_Click
  132. OptionsToolbarProcr
  133. mnuSFind_Click?
  134. frmFind
  135. FindString
  136. gFirstTime
  137. mnuSFindNext_Click
  138. gFindString
  139. FindIt
  140. mnuWArrange_Click
  142. mnuWCascade_Click
  143. CASCADE
  144. mnuWTile_Click
  146. PrintBlockCom_Click
  147. Printer
  148. PrintCom_Click
  149. Text1_Change
  150. Text1_GotFocus
  151. UpCaseCom_Click
  152. Form_Load
  153. Form_QueryUnload
  154. The text in [
  155. ] has changed.
  156. Do you want to save the changes?
  157.  User selects Yes
  158.  Load the File Save dialog
  159.  Invoke the Save As procedure 
  160.  If the user has selected the Cancel button on
  161.  the File Save dialog (not the msgbox), then the txtFileName
  162.  text box is set to empty and the unload needs to be canceled.
  163.  User selects No
  164.  Ok to unload 
  165.  User selects Cancel
  166.  Cancel the unload
  167. Form_Resize
  168. Form_Unload
  169. Hide toolbar edit buttons if no notepad windowst
  170. LowCaseCom_Click
  171. mnuECopy_Click
  172. mnuECut_Click
  173. mnuEDelete_Click
  174.  Delete selected text.
  175. mnuEPaste_Click
  176. mnuESelectAll_Click
  177. mnuETime_Click
  178. mnuFClose_Click
  179. mnuFExit_Click
  180.  Unloading the MDI form invokes the QueryUnload eventc
  181.  for each child form, then the MDI form - before unloading
  182.  the MDI form. Setting the Cancel argument to True in any of the
  183.  QueryUnload events aborts the unload.
  184. mnuFNew_Click
  185. mnuFontName_Click
  186. mnuFOpen_Click
  187. mnuFSave_Click
  188. Untitled
  189.  The file hasn't been saved yet,
  190.  get the filename, then call the
  191.  save procedurem
  192. Save As
  193.  The caption contains the name of the open filer
  194.  call the save procedure, if Filename = Empty then
  195.  the user selected Cancel in the Save As dialog, otherwise
  196.  save the file
  197. mnuFSaveAs_Click
  198. Save As
  199. mnuOptions_Click
  200. mnuOToolbar_Click
  201. mnuSFind_Click
  202. mnuSFindNext_Click
  203. mnuWArrange_Click
  204. mnuWCascade_Click
  205. mnuWTile_Click
  206. PrintBlockCom_Click
  207.  print the selected text
  208. PrintCom_Click
  209. Text1_Change
  210. Text1_GotFocus
  211. UpCaseCom_Click